Do Not Sell My Info

Notice of Right to Opt-Out.

As part of your use of our services, we may sell or disclose your personal information that we obtain from your use of our Services, such as identifiers and inferences drawn from any other information. As part of the process of verifying your identity, we will request that you provide us with information accessible to you through the Services.

Due to the nature of the information collected, we cannot verify your identity to the degree of certainty required to fulfill requests to know or delete the specific pieces of personal information requested because the information collected from you is associated with only two semi-static identifiers. All other information collected from you does not provide a reliable method for verifying your identity.

You can find more information on the categories of information we collect on our Privacy Policy page. If you still wish to opt-out of the sale of your personal information, where required, please fill in the form below and click the “Submit” button at the bottom of this page.